I am a Year 6 at Good Shepherd School in Auckland. I am in Room 6 and my Teacher is Miss Down.
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
Christmas Activities
For christmas we did some christmas activities. They were for maths. The one I did was about fractions. We had to find equivalent fractions and which ever one was equivalent is a different colours. These were fun. I can't wait to do more.
Thursday, 6 December 2018
Making Sherbet
In class we made sherbet. The ingredients were baking soda, citric acid, tartaric acid and delicious sweet icing sugar. Miss Drummond came around and firstly gave us icing sugar. Then we got to try it and it was so good. Next she gave us baking soda which was disgusting on it's own. After that she gave us citric acid and tartaric acid which was really bitter and sour. After Mrs Drummond gave us all of the ingredients we added the same amount of everything and then tried it. We all agreed that it needed more sugar and less citric acid. This science experiment was so fun. I hope we do some more science experiments by the end of year.
Tuesday, 4 December 2018
Spud Guns
In class we made spud guns. Spud guns are straws that have potato in them. We firstly had to stab one side of the straw into the potato and then we did the other side. We then got a skewer and pushed one side with the potato in it. It usually shoots the other bit of potato out but ours didn't work. We tried to get it to work but the potato didn't come out. It was fun to try this experiment. Next time we try I hope it works.
Monday, 3 December 2018
Persuasive Writing
In writing class we all made persuasive piece. Here is mine.
Why School Should Start Later In The Day
Why School Should Start Later In The Day
Imagine your alarm not going off in the morning. You look at the time, you’re late for school. You have to scurry to school to get there on time. Well, I don’t think that kids should have to scurry in the morning. I think that school starting time should be delayed.
Firstly, think of all that pressure. Most people in the world have to rush to school in the morning but if school time got delayed, that would not be a problem. You wouldn’t have to miss breakfast or worry about your hair. You would be able to do it all.
Now for the second reason. I’m sure your parents despise being late for work. If school started later your parents would surely be in the office in a jiffy. They would even have time to slumber in the morning. I know you hate that beam of light shining through the curtains in the morning. So if mum and dad were having a snooze in the morning, you could also be that person who presses snooze on their alarm.
Now, for the last but certainly the most worthy, teachers. School begins at about 8:30 which means teachers have to wake up around 6:30 to 7. So they wake up pretty early every morning. If schools pushed back to about 9:30 to 10 they would only have to wake up at 8:30. So sleep-in on a school day, you can tick that off your wish list teachers.
Now you must agree that schools should start later. It’s just cruel to make teachers and parents wake up early in the morning. Kids should most definitely not have to rush either. Now you must agree with me that school should start later in the day.
Thursday, 29 November 2018
Crowded House
For topic I did this. It is a poster with 5 facts about a NZ band called Crowded House. I have to show it to the class to get my thirty points. I put lots of effort into this. I hope I get my 200 points for topic.
Maths Cones
In maths class we made different shapes. I chose a cone. I made it christmas themed so I can put it on my tree. There were laps that we had to figure out where they got stuck onto. This was really fun. I can't wait to hang it up on my christmas tree.
Friday, 23 November 2018
Making Cubes
In maths class we made cubes. We had to cut it out and then glue it all together. I drew on mine before I cut it out so it had drawings on it. We could choose other shapes like cone or pyramids but I just wanted to do squares.This was a cool and creative thing to do in maths. I hope we do more difficult ones soon.
Tuesday, 20 November 2018
World War 1
In class we got sent souvenirs of World War I. The one I got was telegram. It was the main communication back in World War I. The first letter said he was doing splendidly. The next letter was a complete shock as it said he got bullet wounds in his thigh. The third letter said he was seriously ill and the next one was the saddest saying that he had died in action. These were what most telegrams were like. It was really fun researching about these souvenirs. I hope I get to research a different souvenir soon.
Monday, 19 November 2018
Beak Science Experiment
In class we did a science experiment. It was where we had all these different types of tweezers that were like birds beaks. We got different types of lollies that were gummy worms like when birds eat worms. Their was skittles representing harder things that they eat. Then we had pieces of paper representing leaves. We then decided which one was the easiest to pick up things with. This science experiment was really fun. I hope we do different ones soon.
Tuesday, 13 November 2018
Block Science Experiment
In class we did a science experiment. It was where we had three different types of blocks and we had to see which one could co higher until it fell over. This science experiment was really fun. I hope we do it again.
Friday, 9 November 2018
Last week on Friday we had year 5 retreat. It was at Saint Francis Retreat Center. We got there at nine o'clock and the first thing we did was play a game. It was where we got partnered up with someone and then got a leaf. We had to find the tree that had the same leaf that we got given and then bring it back to make sure it is the right one. After that we had morning tea and then we went back to a room. We then did a scavenger hunt but there was a twist. We got given a piece of fabric and we had to have one hand on it at all times. The day had more and more activities so that means it was really really fun.
Thursday, 8 November 2018
For Writing we are learning about comics. My teacher's husband came in to teach us about them because he does some. Mine was about a flowerpot called Fifi and a kid went to water her and it all gushed out and accidentally killed her. Learning about comics was really fun. I hope we do it again.
Maths Pedes
In maths class we made pedes. Pede means legs. We had to figure out the patterns in different pedes to figure out the next three patterns of it. Here is mine.
Thursday, 1 November 2018
A-Z Of NZ Artists
For topic we have a passport. It is a piece of paper with all these different activities and for different ones you get a certain amount of points. You have to get at least 200 points. This was one of my activities.
Friday, 26 October 2018
Bike Safety
At school we had Bigfoot Adventures come in and teach us some bike skills. We separated into two groups and did some skills, for example weaving in and out of cones, doing high fives for hand signals and played this box game were there was a square of cones and everyone had to ride their bikes inside of it. You couldn't crash into anyone or put your foot down or you were out. The box got smaller and smaller until someone was out. The bike drills were really fun, I hope we do it next year.
Communion of Saints
In R.E class we started our new strand. THe strand is about the Communion of Saints. Right now we all chose saints and we did research about them. Some examples are what they are the patron saint of, their birthdate and when they were canonized. I chose St Anne because I didn't know much about her.
Thursday, 11 October 2018
My Shield
In class we are learning about how we are unique and different. We made these shields so people would know why we are unique.
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Social Justice Korowai
In class we all made feathers for Social Justice Week. We put them together to make a korowai. We wrote different words because that might be how you feel about someone or yourself.
Monday, 24 September 2018
Calendar Art
At school we did calendar art. Calendar art is where we do a design and we can order a calendar for the next year.
Cultural Week
Last week our school had a cultural week. Cultural Week is where we celebrate all the cultures and this year we all chose a language we wanted to learn and we learnt about it. At the end of the week we had a cultural assembly where we all showed what we had been doing during the week. Cultural week was really fun and I can't wait to do it again next year.
Saturday, 22 September 2018
My Habitat App
For topic we made a habitat app. It was where we chose a habitat, did some research about it and then presented it like a book.
Saturday, 15 September 2018
At school we all made crosses. On the crosses there was a design on it of our choice. They are going on the walls of our tennis courts. Painting the crosses was really fun, I can't wait to do something like that again.
Thursday, 13 September 2018
Recipe for Believing in God
In R.E class we made a recipe for believing in God. The ingredients were faith,hope and love. We did it because we were talking about believing in God for R.E.
Social Justice Week Letter
In R.E. class we made letters to each other that was like a rainbow. If one of the colours was missing it wouldn't be a rainbow. It's the same with Room 5. If someone moved away it wouldn't be the same. I wrote my letter to Jemima because she's really kind and a good friend.
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Raymond Huber Visit
At school we got a visit from an author called Raymond Huber. He told us about his books mainly about bees. His bee books are called Flight Of The Honey Bee, Sting and Wings. He told us funny stories about his childhood and about the things you have to do to have a published book. It was really fun having an author in to visit. I hope we have another one soon.
Friday, 7 September 2018
Colour Experiment
In class we did a science experiment. It was where we had tubs of dye and they had a paper towel that had water on it already and one that didn't. The science experiment was to see which paper towel had more dye on it. After lunch we saw the result and the paper towel without the water had more dye on it.
Tuesday, 4 September 2018
In class I have been reading a book called Once by Morris Gleitzman. He is a Jew in the time of World War II. He takes daring moves and tries his hardest to survive in this time.
Matagnifale and the whale
In reading we have been learning about Pacific myths. I chose this one because it was interesting and different. We presented our learning on a slide.
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
Maths Vocabulary
In maths class we made vocabulary posters. Me and my partner chose to do addition. The poster had lots of words on it that could be used in addition problems. It will help other kids in addition problems. We showed the posters to Room 8 to teach them the language.
Tuesday, 28 August 2018
Grandparents Mass
At school we had grandparents mass. It's a mass at school that you can bring your grandparents along with. Afterwards there was some food and we could have a snack with our grandparents. We could also show our grandparents what we had been learning about in class. Grandparents mass was really fun, I can't wait to do it again next year.
Thursday, 23 August 2018
Mini BB Fair
This week we had a school fundraiser called the Mini BB Fair. It was a mini fair were we only sold books and baking. We were fundraising for a mural on our power box. It was great seeing all of the books and baking being sold. We ended up raising lots of money and smiles on kids faces.
Wednesday, 8 August 2018
My Netball Tournament
Yesterday, I had a netball tournament at St Johns Netball Courts. When we got there we placed a mat down, ate and then walked over to the court where our first game was held on. The first game we played we versed Balmoral Gold and we won, 4-5 so it was a really close match. We repeated the same routine but versed different teams. We actually won all of our games so we got into the finals. In the finals we versed O.L.S.H (Our Lady Of The Sacred Heart). Everyone that played came on the court we played on and they all cheered us on. We ended up coming first in our whole year. It was the best tournament ever.
Thursday, 2 August 2018
Animal poster
My speech
In class everyone wrote a speech on a topic of your choice. The speech topic I chose was 4 Unexplained Mysteries of the World. I said it to the class yesterday and I was so nervous. Everybody's speech had to be over 2m 30s and under 3m 30s otherwise you will get deducted points. A couple of people that got the highest marks go to the semi-finals. The semi-finals is where the people from your class that got the highest marks and the people from the class that is the same year level (which in this case is room six) that got the highest marks verse each other. The three people that get the highest marks from the two teachers got to the finals. This time the whole school listens to your speech and the judges chooses who gets 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
Wednesday, 25 July 2018
Using Sketchpad
In class we did a book review on our Chromebooks. I did the book Smile. We wrote a description about our favorite character and had to draw a picture on our Chromebooks. Our teacher found an app called sketchpad and then we drew a picture.
Thursday, 5 July 2018
Healthy Shared Lunch
On Wednesday we had a healthy shared lunch. We have been learning about a healthy diet. We brought in a variety of food.
Friday, 29 June 2018
Jesus's Saving Work
In class we got into a group and we came up with a performance about a certain bible story. My group did the story Two Miracles.
The way we presented it was in dance.
Thursday, 28 June 2018
Gymnastics Competition
On Tuesday I had a gymnastics competition at Tristar. The girls had dark blue, long-sleeved leotards. There were three different apparatuses. I did beam first, then floor and then I did vault. The colours of the ribbons were green, blue, red and gold and I got red.
My favourite part was when I did my beam routine.
I learnt how to do a backwards roll which was in my floor routine.
My favourite part was when I did my beam routine.
I learnt how to do a backwards roll which was in my floor routine.

Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Book Week
This week it was Book Week. Book week is where for a week we focus on reading. On Monday the seniors (year's 5&6) did a school lit quiz. There were three rounds and every round had different topics. On some days of the week different authors came and talked to us about their books and how they are made.
On Friday there was a reading scavenger hunt. The reading scavenger hunt is where you get into a group of three or four of different year levels. This year I took my own group. We got a piece of paper of twenty questions that were scattered around the school. We ran around and when you have wrote down all the answers you run to the turf and you hand in the sheet. The first five groups papers get marked and whoever gets the most right wins a prize. My team actually won and we got to spend some money at the book fair.
Later on that day, we had a book parade and everyone came as a book character. I went as Hermione Granger. Book Week was so fun! I can't wait for next year.
On Friday there was a reading scavenger hunt. The reading scavenger hunt is where you get into a group of three or four of different year levels. This year I took my own group. We got a piece of paper of twenty questions that were scattered around the school. We ran around and when you have wrote down all the answers you run to the turf and you hand in the sheet. The first five groups papers get marked and whoever gets the most right wins a prize. My team actually won and we got to spend some money at the book fair.
Later on that day, we had a book parade and everyone came as a book character. I went as Hermione Granger. Book Week was so fun! I can't wait for next year.
Monday, 25 June 2018
The Science Roadshow
This week the Year Fives and Sixes went on a trip to a show called The Science Roadshow. It was held at Edendale Primary School. The Science Roadshow has a whole lot of science projects that you get to test out. They also have some shows. The shows that we had were The Fire & Ice Show and The Life Show. My favourite part was a project where there were three mirrors face to face and when you looked into them it looked like there was infinity reflections of you.
Friday, 22 June 2018
The School Production
At school we had a school production and it was called The Toy Shop On Zip Zap Avenue. It was about a family who came into a magical toy shop and bought a buzzy bee toy. At night the toys come alive and celebrate Buzz the Bee. There were class performances throughout the show. But the toys have to stop celebrating before dawn.
I loved being in the production because I got to be part of the cast and be a main character. I played the Dad.
I learnt how much effort goes into a production.
I loved being in the production because I got to be part of the cast and be a main character. I played the Dad.
I learnt how much effort goes into a production.
Thursday, 7 June 2018
Country Research
In class everyone chose a country to do research on and I chose the country France. Here are some facts.
- I learnt that Marie Antoinette is a very famous person
- They have lots of different celebrations
- The capital of France is Paris
Tuesday, 5 June 2018
Cross Country

Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Roll and Answer Maths
Today in maths we played a game called Roll an Answer. It tests the skills we have learnt this year like rounding, place value, addition and subtraction. My group did a board game about rounding.
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
Phrases in Maori
In class we learnt different phrases in Maori about P.E instructions. Here are some of them.
E oma- run
E peke- jump
Oma atu- run away
Oma mai- run back
Waewae takahia- stamp your feet
E huri- turn around
Hi toki- hop
Ringa ki runga- hands up
Ngaoki- crawl
Kanikani- dance
Whakahokia nga kemu- put the games back
E oma- run
E peke- jump
Oma atu- run away
Oma mai- run back
Waewae takahia- stamp your feet
E huri- turn around
Hi toki- hop
Ringa ki runga- hands up
Ngaoki- crawl
Kanikani- dance
Whakahokia nga kemu- put the games back
Rainbow Food
In class we were learning about healthy eating and we wrote a rainbow diet to remind us that we should have a different variety of colours everyday .
Red- Strawberries, Apples, Capsicum
Orange- Oranges, Rockmelon, Pumpkin
Yellow- Banana, Lemon, Capsicum
Green- Grapes, Avocados, Broccoli
Blue- Blueberries , Blackberries, Grapes
Purple- Eggplant, Passionfruit, Acai Berry
Blue- Blueberries , Blackberries, Grapes
Purple- Eggplant, Passionfruit, Acai Berry
Saturday, 12 May 2018
My Explanation Writing
In class we were doing explanation writing about how something works or is made and then presented onto a slide. I have written about how potatoes can make electricity to power a light.
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
The Storm (senses poem)
In Room 5 we writ a senses poem about a storm that happened.
I see the needle of bright light striking the sky tower.
I hear the whistling of the wind gushing into my window.
I smell the warm milo powder ready to be drunk.
I taste the crispy chicken fries getting munched and crunched on.
I touch the black rubber button to turn my head torch on.
It makes me feel scared.
I see the needle of bright light striking the sky tower.
I hear the whistling of the wind gushing into my window.
I smell the warm milo powder ready to be drunk.
I taste the crispy chicken fries getting munched and crunched on.
I touch the black rubber button to turn my head torch on.
It makes me feel scared.
In Room 6 maths class we have been doing statistical investigations. First we learnt about Stem and Leaf graphs and did fun investigations on sports. We also learnt how to make graphs on Excel. We learnt how to make Pie graphs and different types of Bar graphs. Below are some of the graphs I have made on Excel.

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